Elevator Cab Models

It is a generally closed transport room that is produced according to International Standards and ensures the safety of people or cargo while carrying it. You can browse the catalog of our products for cabin models that can be designed and applied according to your taste. Our elevator cabin models generally have the following features; The interior equipment is mirror stainless steel and the interior is reinforced with stainless steel 18mm MDF. The division consists of 3 parts. Our elevator cabin floors are natural granite and our elevator cabin ceilings are stainless steel, laser cut design, open from the inside and ready for electrical installation. Elevator cabin ventilation is provided by powerful ceiling fans. Ceiling lighting is reinforced with spotlights. A full-length mirror and double armrests are provided. Elevator cabin walls can be attached and removed from the outside for easy assembly.

Standard bolted safety guards and panels are supplied with the bulkhead. Our elevator cars are the first choice for residential, villa, hotel and commercial buildings. Our elevator models are extremely safe for the user, thanks to their modern design, quality coating and wide design, and are equipped with the latest technology equipment.

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